
Thursday, September 16, 2010

doesn't TRUST guy !

hoho..title ni mmg PANASS kn?tp pape pon korg lyan je ok~

gini..firstly,aku mnx ampun n maaf ler kt kaum adam sbb u all created to lead people rite..d nature of it but somehow,i still cant trust u all bcos of certain reason n experienced dat i ve go thru..

p/s; name dan watak tidak ade kena mngena samada yg msih hidup atau telah mnggl dunia.

KES 1 :

u all got fren rite??i hve many fren lol...sori la cos most of my story related bout '' couple''
sbb bese teenagers kn so mmg la isu kapel! ade jugak my fren da kawen..suprisingly kn? bese la..jodoh...kite kne caye qada' n qadar...dr diorg wat prkre x elok btter diorg kawen rite??amal ma'ruf nahi mungkar...
ok! my fren ni nme die miss P..miss p ni da lme kwn ngn i taw da dkat 4 taun kot..or more..she nice..1 day,mse i n die attend 1 programmed held by school 'solat hajat' nk exam besar mse 2...nga ceramah sket mse tu..dlm surau..die tnjuk kt i sorg dak laki ni..bella,look the guy wif white bju mlayu...hoho quickly,i look to dat guy..oh! ok! i c..y?y? he look cool yeah?my fren ask.
oh so cool..haha...boleh la tahan...x de la cool sgt...sori miss p..actually,i terkejut loh sbb miss p ni x suke sgt usha2 lelaki ni..msti ade pape i ckp dlm ati je la...x la sbb mse kt sek i ade la jugak kne gosip2 liar ni mse f3 rekod die bersih jer..rupenye she ve feeling toward dat guy...
ok then f4 i pindah sek..x same ngn miss p i tny jugak bout her pde kwn i yg len...
tup tup i taw die kapel ngn dat guy...oh ok...i kne terima hakikat kwn i da maju hahaha...
tp recently,die de prob ngn dis guy taw..hmm..frm my observtion i rse budak ni cm x serius fren ni de clash ngn die kejap then diorg smbung dis guy mule2 x nk..sbb die kpel ngn gurl len mse tu..girl yg die bru kapel tu x same cm my fren,miss p ,cos my fren pkai tdung,die x! free hair..a bit sexy kot..huh! pelik btol...kwn i da la baik...then ade ke patot die ckp kt kwn i..."i x nk kpel ngn u,tp i jnji i kawen ngn u nanti" haha! gile punye ayat..x leh bla btul! sdap2 die berfoya2 ngn pompuan len ti ble nk kawen bru die cri kwn aku..! GILER BTOL CRE FIKIRAN U OH LELAKI!

ok ni based on dis kes yg lawak giler...sbb tu aku rse guy ni mmg sioddd.....! haha

KES 2;

ni kes bout my fren jugak..miss R..miss R ni pon da lame kwn ngn aku taw..die ni lurus sket,sbb tu aku antara org yg suka buli die..haha! tp tup tup aku taw die aku kuatkn diri percaye..weh! not bad die boleh la tahan..huhu... die ni pulak rpat ngn sorg lg kwn kami ni..x taw cne die belive it or not...die nye rapat mmg leh mnyebabkn miss R ni naik angin bukan aku nk kate kes kawan mkn kawan tp kes lelaki ni..x leh blah btol..kot ye pon ko nk mngtal pi la cari pompuan len ni x,ngn kawan yg miss R knal gak..wat the heck??? le lelaki..nk kate x leh fikir,come on u tu budak pandai pe!

Kes 3;

ni cite psal my kwn nye kazen kes kawin cerai..haish!
aku ingt kes kapel je boleh clash..yg da kawen pon bercerai lak tu......haish...plis la wake up!!! kesiankn la anak2 u yg berderet2 tu....mase nk kawen x nk da bercerai bru kate isteri salah...huh..dont blame on woman ok....! tup2 die yg salah ke..da kawen pon cmtu.dasar lelaki......wait2..npe aku emo sgt nie?haha.

KES 4;

ni pon cite psl my fren miss N ..miss N ni cm poyo sket..sbb die ni lurus sket..sbb mak die die mmg bek coupling tu mse lower form..mse die f4,die kpel la ngn sorg guy ni...huh,katenye sbb die rase dak laki ni bek..die kate dak laki ni sek agme...dak laki ni dieknal da lme...tu pe yg die kate la..i pon dgr je la....tup tup i dgr die da kapel-clash ngn guy ni da 3 kali da....yg bru2 ni die clash ats sbb yg so annoyed~sbb nye guy tu kate die x ready..huh x ready pulak..suddenly lak x ready...mse nk kpel ngn my fren ckp serius reltionshp la..kwn i ni pon mengong kot..haha..pi caye...pisang x berbuah 2 kali tp ni da 3 ur eyes la gurl!

n yg x leh blah ayt dak laki ni die kate die x leh fokus pd my fren klu die de kwn pompuan len..die nk my fren jd bes fren die n girls out there jd fren die..haha sesedap strawberry je kn die ingt my fren ni ape?patung?she has feeling jugak my fren decided not to be dat guy bes fren..hey2! how come nk jdik bes fren??klu kwn i setuju mmg i da pi ketuk die..haha! i mmg garang sket...

tp i pelik la ngn dat guy,i x taw pe die nk fren baik pe,comel la jugak,n nk kate x de education die same univ ngn dat dat guy more prefer the wrong one...he prefer to be fren wif gurl yg free hair...yg i rase dress code die len mcm sket...tah la..lelaki! mmg x betul! haha
die la rugi..kwn i tu pon satu x betul die tu org nk ngorat die,die x nk...tgu lelaki yg x bpe nk masak tu jugak..haha...
kes 5: huh,,ni stori mori psl my another fren....huhu..kwn i ni mse primary skewl zaman knak2 ribena...huhu..i salute sama die..ingt x pndai cintan cintun ni..bru2 ni bru i taw die kne dump ngn sorg guy...huh...i ni pntang btul la..guy yg spesies hmpas gas cmni suka suki nk dumb org...

haha COME ON LA BROTHER! LU PE CER NK WAT ORG SUKA ATI LU CMTU..x dak otak ka??? HAH! amek ! ayat power yg i copy dri blog sumone..heheh...=)) i ni kje mmg copy paste stori ni,,,i tulis based on true stori yo!

ok.kwn i ni nme die MISS A. she clever uh! heheh..=)) tp bab feeling2 ni die x pat nk solve sbb soklan n skema jwpn x lengkap lol..hmm die de TTM..teman tp mesra la..ade ke patot guy ni mse sayang kt my fren mnbur mcm2 sweet !!!!!! bile x syg..sukati die je kate forget it! HE DOESNT KNOW WAT IS LOVE..hey..dis kind of people..mmg MENJENGKILKN!

AYAT DIE YG MNUNJUKN DIE NI JHT>>>>> x die jnji die syg kwn i sorg je...die lyn kwn i sorg je..konon ar spesel treatment...u shud treat ur mind first ye brother.....DERR,,maybe wire dlm brain die byk da shot kot..da ptus..hahaha!((evil laugh))


bout my beloved fren experienced....huh..ok..aya my fren ni nk kwen len loh..i simpati sgt2 kt my fren ni....of cos la..kwn i yg i syg taw x...=(...
mse i dgr cte pon ati bengkak je...huh..soalnye i x phm pe lg pkck tu nk...die de anak yg pndai,isteri pkck tu?cntik ok! mkck tu lg kurus dr x brmkna i gemokk...haha
tu my horror..

pkck uh nk kwen ngn yg lg DOUBLE TRIPLE worst woman....pangkat nenek pde kwn i tu..HEY YOu!! yeah nenek! nenek tua..sdar la..npe nk kcu suami org...dr mngtal bek pi buat ibadat la nenek..isk2..nenek i,beribadah je pd usia yg cmni..ade ke ptot dis granny berhempas pulas nk merobohkn umah tngga org...haiya
..ape cita loh???

tp i hrap my fren tu dpt sbar ye...darling...sbar....ujian dr allah yunk

KES 7;


haha..selalu org kaitkn ngn tukar ak nk kaitkn dgn tayar kereta gak..mentang2 la ak bru amik drvg clss..huhu...

ni story mory yg blaku lerr...bdk laki ni,men rembat je gurl ni tuk dijadikan gf die...alasanye sbb membe die sume ade,bile kuar wikend tu malu la membe duk loving doving ngn gf,die sesorg je...ape cre pk la lu ni msti tepuuu sgt duk stdy...yg kesianye si pompuan ni la...bile perluu je..x perluu GO AWAY.
yg pmpn nie..nme je bdk u..otak x taw ltak mne...x leh nilai ke klu da muke cm player tu x ya la la pntgnyer islmc eduction......spe stuju kite bako je guy yg cmni...angkt kaki cm sye...huhu

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

couple haram????

"Pehh..cun siot !", kata si A sambil membuat bunyi cencurut laut Antartika.

"Ni kalo jadi bini aku ni tak kuar umah la aku nampaknye", kata si B pulak sambil mengenyit-ngenyit matanya yang hanya terbuka setengah sentimeter (cm).

"Huiyyo.. (terkesima)", tak lepas pandangan si C melihat si dia yang terkinja-kinja di tepi jalan. Hampir sahaja cecair yang mengandungi enzim amilase di mulutnya terkeluar daripada tempat tadahan.

Beginilah respon kawan-kawan kita apabila melihat perempuan cantik. Pantang lalu depan mata, habis semuanya dipanah oleh mata-mata liar. Mungkin mereka tidak tahu bahawa panahan mata itu akan berbalik pada mereka sendiri akhirnya. Sedih. Kadang-kadang aku sendiri tak kuat untuk istiqomah dalam hal-hal macam ni. Tapi sentiasalah berdoa moga-moga diberi kekuatan oleh Allah S.W.T. supaya kita dapat melawan dan mendidik nafsu yang tak pernah lesu.

Menjaga pandangan bukannya perkara yang boleh dipandang remeh. Ia merupakan suruhan Allah S.W.T. kepada setiap individu Muslim yang beriman.

dalam surah Al-Isra' ayat 32 iaitu :

"Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat (yang membawa kerosakan)."

Terang lagikan bersuluh. Kekejian perbuatan zina ini bukan dinyatakan oleh manusia, tetapi dinyatakan oleh Yang Maha Mengetahui. Apabila Allah S.W.T sendiri mengatakan zina ini keji dan satu jalan yang buruk, sudah pasti kecelakaannya maha dahsyat.

Berbalik kepada penjelasan tentang 'menghampiri', sedangkan menghampiri zina sudah diharamkan, inikan pula melakukannya. Contoh menghampiri zina adalah seperti melihat gambar lucah, berdua-duaan lelaki dan wanita ajnabi, pergaulan bebas antara jantina berlainan (ikhtilat) dan juga melihat aurat orang lain.

(contoh yang paling banyak : berjalan berdua-duaan dan beriring-iringan. Walaupun tak berpegangan tangan, tapi amat menjelikkan)

Kuatkanlah hati kita wahai kawan-kawanku sekalian, supaya kita berupaya menegakkan kebenaran yang satu ini. Jangan sesekali diikut tuntutan nafsu. Jangan sesekali patuh pada ajakan syaitan laknatullah dan tertipu dengan tipu daya mereka. Ingatlah bahawa mereka pernah menipu moyang kita, Nabi Allah Adam a.s. dan Hawa.

Surah Al-A'raf ayat 20 :

"Setelah itu maka Syaitan membisikkan (hasutan) kepada mereka berdua supaya (dapatlah) dia menampakkan kepada mereka akan aurat mereka yang (sekian lama) tertutup dari (pandangan) mereka, sambil dia berkata: Tidaklah Tuhan kamu melarang kamu daripada (menghampiri) pokok ini, melainkan (kerana Dia tidak suka) kamu berdua menjadi malaikat atau menjadi dari orang-orang yang kekal (selama-lamanya di dalam Syurga)."

Merujuk kepada larangan Allah S.W.T. kepada kita supaya tidak menghampiri sesuatu itu, amat jelas bahawa perkara yang dilarang itu dapat memberi mudarat yang besar sehinggakan menghampirinya pun tidak dibenarkan! Ini bertujuan untuk menghindari perkara-perkara mungkar sehingga ke akar-akarnya. Lihatlah betapa kasihnya Allah kepada kita.

Adakah kita ingin mengulang kesilapan Adam dan Hawa sedangkan pengajaran sudah ada di depan mata? Bodohlah orang-orang yang membutakan mata hatinya tanpa ingin mengambil pelajaran.

Mengikut kaedah usul fiqh, sesuatu yang membawa kepada haram, maka hukumnya haram. So, equation ber'couple' sebelum nikah adalah :

couple = menghampiri zina
menghampiri zina = haram
maka, couple = haram (very simple equationsmiley-wink )

Tapi, juga ingin diingatkan di sini, apabila ber'couple' sebelum nikah itu hukumnya haram, bukanlah bermakna kita boleh bergaul dengan jantina berlawanan sesuka hati dengan menjadikan alasan "kami tak bercouple, kami hanya berkawan".

Berbalas-balas mesej di YM dan tidak lupa mengucapkan selamat pagi dan malam kepada 'kawan'nya yg satu itu diselangi dengan perbualan telefon yang berpanjangan tanpa membicarakan hal-hal yang penting bukanlah jaminan bahawa kita tidak mendekati zina.



ber'couple' sekali pun anda dilarang bergaul bebas tanpa batas syara' antara

lelaki dan wanita ajnabi.

women and lollipop


" A Muslim woman, when they look into the mirror, they make sure they cover their aurah, they wear properly just to please Allah! Yeah! We are so unlike those women in the street who try very hard to attract men! Anyway, what for?


YOU ARE NOT A DOLL - Being played by innocent HANDS up to " EVIL ONES' HANDS"...

YOU ARE NOT GONNA LET PEOPLE JUDGE YOU as to what they see that might be wrong as you are not contented with what you seem to be!

YOU ARE YOU! And yeah, God knows that and isn't that enough??? Do you still need people to tell you that you are pretty by exposing yourself?!

Trust me! You don't have to do that...


Here's a few lollipops for you...

You are unlike those unwrapped lollipops that will get rotten sooner or later, but you are like those lollipops that are nicely wrapped. People wanted to have lollipops and they surely not gonna buy those unwrapped ones. They surely wanted to have the 'wrapped' ones. It's just that they really have to put on some efforts to have the 'wrapped' lollipops because they are more 'expensive' than those 'unwrapped' lollipops...

You are not gonna to buy the unwrapped one, are you???...

Bear this in mind,









Dear sisters that I love for the sake of Allah, I'm writing this to show that I DO CARE ABOUT MY SISTERS IN ISLAM and those who seek for HIS GUIDANCE=the truth (May Allah guide them!). May we meet again in Jannah! Insha Allah. P/S; ILUVISLAM~


YEAH! EDWARD already died 4 belle...but,edward dat i mentioned is not hero in twilight series..huhu..but,in belle series.she is not bella swan in new moon or eclipse..but juz ordinary BELLE swan haha..don ask me how edward died..cos im still cant figure it out...where?i cant find his body..when?i cant determine around wat time..but,1 thng dat im sure is..once he lost belle he will lost her forever..huhu..

wat she hve to do now is...go n find JACOB n reply his feeling toward her,somehow..she cant do dat..4 wat she do dat?? ?reply jacob's love?? might happen in twilight series..but not in dis series..cos..DONT MAKE SHE CHOOSE COS IT ALWAYS BE HIM...

edward in belle series is not as hot as robert pattinson..but,somehow other vampire esp opposite spesies chasing after him...i dun know,he attrcted to the others vampire n did not choose belle as belle is human being...not a i guess dat's the end of their story...
do u like ending like dis??

edward choose vampire's than human being like belle?

should belle forget or hate him instead of chasing him n ask him 2 make belle vampire so she can be wif edward?? eager to know the ending~~

Monday, September 13, 2010


hmm..ok let the story begin wif...ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hate dis sentence--->i crossed my herat i will never 4get u..i will be a jerk if i ever 4get u...ok now u surely be a jerk cos 4get my fren..i share dis story on behalf of my dear fren..hehe..
OK..i wan 2 share story ere..bout my poor close fren let me introduce her as MRS.A..
she juz got an absolutely shock news..huhu..she have a close boy friend..(teman tp mesra)sumtink like dat..but now,she trying very hard 2 get rid of the person from her life...i think quite impossible rite??but,when there's a will there's a way...huhu...
she know dat person quite long but somehow..he turn to be monster untilmy fren CANT RECOGNIZE HIM AT ALL..he turn until 360' anti clockwise..he be such a great liar...tell lies everytime..n pretend 4 my fren hepi ending...n he are not sori at all...i wonder wat kind of person he is...???huh..alien maybe? fren smile always..but deep inside her heart i she all of u listen to taylor swft song?you're not sorry?ok this song dedicate to that boy..sincerely frm my fren...All this time I was wasting hoping you would come around
I’ve been giving out chances everytime and all you do is let me down
And its taking me this long but baby I figured you out
And you think it will be fine again but not this time around

You don’t have to call anymore
I won’t pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don’t want to hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you’re sorry
But I won’t believe you baby like I did before
You’re not sorry no more, no more, no

Lookin’ so innocent
I might believe you if I didn’t know
Could’a loved you all my life
If you hadn’t left me waiting in the cold
And you got your share of secrets
And I’m tired of being last to know
And now you’re asking me to listen
Cuz its worked each time before

But you don’t have to call anymore
I won’t pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don’t want to hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you’re sorry
But I don’t believe you baby like I did before
You’re not sorry no no no noo
You’re not sorry no no no noo

You had me calling for you honey
And it never would’ve gone away no
You use to shine so bright
But I watched our love it fade

So you don’t have to call anymore
I won’t pick up the phone
This is the last straw
There’s nothing left to beg for
And you can tell me that you’re sorry
But I won’t believe you baby like I did before

huh..that how she feel..~

Thursday, July 22, 2010

hmm i dun know wat should i rite anymore...2 day i have had my math exam 4 mid sem..huhu..i dun like mat or anything dat related wif clculation i like reading n memorizing more =)oh a shophaholic person..luv shopping,shoping n shoping,,poor my husband 2 be..haha..he must be a rich person b4 marry me..haha..ok2..stop..wat a nuisace thing i thought...i have a long journey n a lot of obstacle 2 overcome b4 i know the word married...


hyep2..first of all im new also wondering~im a blogger?oh...nver imagine dat cos i hate doing write not so interested in doing essay..but,wat make me doing 'dis' blog cos i wan start of something,improve my english from this level to EXEMPTED haha hopefully success...

first of all let me furnish all of u bout me..~im juz a simple girl~now im studying at iium petaling jaye.taking biological course..actually i don want bio sc im interested with course dat related in future which need me to deal with like working at hospital...haha..i dont know why..maybe because i was born at hospital...=P